400+ scientists to Hill+Knowlton: Drop Fossil Fuels, Make COP27 a Success
AnnaMaria DeSalva, CEO of Hill+Knowlton Strategies
Mark Read, CEO of WPP plc
As scientists who study and communicate about climate change, we are constantly faced with the twin challenges of addressing the climate emergency and overcoming fossil fuel industry-backed disinformation campaigns.
Up until now, Hill+Knowlton has played an enabling role in these campaigns to mislead the public through its work with clients such as Saudi Aramco, ExxonMobil, and the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative. These clients have not taken the fundamental steps necessary to address the climate emergency and sharply rein in fossil fuels. Instead, they have used Hill+Knowlton and other PR agencies to spin, delay, and mislead, in order to continue expanding fossil fuel production and thereby increasing heat-trapping emissions.
We firmly believe that Hill+Knowlton’s work for these clients is incompatible with its role leading public communications at the annual United Nations climate talks in 2022 (also known as COP27).
These clients’ business plans to increase fossil fuel production run counter to the goals of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process to create a just, global process to limit the worst impacts of climate change.
The UNFCCC is one of the most important international institutions, and deserves support from talented communicators who are not saddled by such a conflict. Representing the fossil fuel industry undermines Hill+Knowlton’s legitimacy and credibility in working on behalf of COP27. We call on Hill+Knowlton to end its relationship with fossil fuel clients that are worsening the climate crisis, and commit fully to the climate action the world desperately needs.
Press contact:
Sanjali De Silva, Union of Concerned Scientists
SDeSilva@ucsusa.org, +1 303-396-7325
(affiliations listed for identification purposes only)
Astrid Caldas, Ph.D., CC-P®, Union of Concerned Scientists
Pep Canadell, Ph.D., CSIRO Climate Science Centre
Rachel Cleetus, Ph.D., Union of Concerned Scientists
Naomi Oreskes, Ph.D., Harvard University
Geoffrey Supran, Ph.D., Harvard University
Gary Yohe, Ph.D.; Wesleyan University (Emeritus); longtime senior member of the IPCC and Vice-Chair of the Third U.S. National Climate Assessment
Bonnie Abel, Ph.D.
Peter Abrams, Ph.D. University of Toronto
Peter Alexander, Ph.D.
Margaret Alic, Ph.D.
Stuart Allison, Ph.D. Knox College
Lynda Ames, Ph.D.
Virginia Anderson, Ph.D.
Feroza Ardeshir, Ph.D.
PA Azeez, Ph.D.
Stephen Bachhuber, M.D.
Norman Baker, Ph.D.
George Bakken, Ph.D. Indiana State University
Michael Balsai, Ph.D.
Peter Barland, M.D.
Oron Bass, Jr., M.A./M.S.
William G Bauza, M.A./M.S. Buffalo State College
Charles Bazerman, Ph.D. University of California, Santa Barbara
Jennifer Becker, M.A./M.S.
Nola Becket, M.A./M.S. Oregon Health & Science University
Peter Belau, B.A./B.S.
Stephen Bellus, Ph.D. SUNY Buffalo State College
Robert Bench, M.A./M.S.
Elyce M. Benham, M.A./M.S.
Garrett Bergman, M.D.
Michael Bergman, Ph.D.
Joseph Berkson, M.D.
Julie Bernstein, Ph.D.
Miriam Bertram, Ph.D. University of Washington
Alan Betts, Ph.D. Atmospheric Research
Jason Black, M.A./M.S. Clark University
Jonathan Blick, B.A./B.S.
Robert Bloyer, D.O.
Wanda Boker, M.A./M.S.
Clarence Bolin, B.A./B.S.
Jim Boone, Ph.D.
Vivian Bosque, Ph.D. University of Houston
Jan Boudart, M.A./M.S. Nuclear Energy Information Service
Kathryn Bourgoin, M.D.
Janet Bovenkerk, M.A./M.S.
Alaina Boyle, Ph.D. candidate Northeastern University
Spyros Braoudakis, Ph.D.
Keith Brill, M.A./M.S.
Kevin Brown, Ph.D.
John R. Brown, M.A./M.S.
Barbara Bryce, Psy. D.
Joan Budd, M.D.
Alison Buist, Ph.D.
Theodore Burger, M.D.
Hannah Burns, M.A./M.S. Green Neighbor Challenge and Humphrey School of Public Affairs
Ruth Burstrom, M.D.
Tara Bylsma, M.D.
Jim Byrne, M.A./M.S. Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife; University of Rhode Island
John Campbell, B.A./B.S.
Christian Camphire, M.A./M.S.
Bobb Carson, Ph.D. Lehigh University (Emeritus)
Elaine Caton, Ph.D.
Kristen Cheney, Ph.D.
Jeanne Chinn, M.A./M.S. Being With Wolves
Pete Clapham, Jr., Ph.D.
Stephanie Clark, Ph.D.
Downing Cless, Ph.D.
Ruth Clifford, Ph.D.
Anne-Marie Codur, Ph.D. Tufts University
Charles Cohen, Ph.D.
Anne Cohen, Ph.D.
Rajal Cohen, Ph.D.
Douglas Conant, Dr. P.H.
Jim Cooper, Ph.D. University of Minnesota
John Cornely, Ph.D.
David L. Craft, M.A./M.S.
Morgan Crawford, M.A./M.S. candidate University of South Florida
Don Crozier, M.A./M.S.
William Cutts, M.D. Greeley Medical Clinic (Retired)
Kristina A. Dahl, Ph.D. Union of Concerned Scientists
Barry Daly, M.D. University of Maryland
Gary Davis, Ph.D.
Curtis Davis, M.A./M.S. candidate
Mason Deaver, M.A./M.S.
Elizabeth DeLyria, Ph.D.
Jim Derzon, Ph.D.
Kelly DeVine, M.A./M.S.
Susan Diaz, M.D.
Michael Dickinson, M.D.
Mohammed Diouri, Ph.D. Université Mohammed Premier
Ann Dorsey, M.A./M.S.
Jeffrey Dravis, Ph.D.
Jessica Dunn, Ph.D. Union of Concerned Scientists
Peter Egan, Ph.D.
Erica Ehrhardt, Ph.D. University of Cologne
Brenda Ekwurzel, Ph.D. Union of Concerned Scientists
Mike Ellison, Ph.D.
Nadav Enbar, M.A./M.S.
Eileen Entin, Ph.D.
Joseph Evelyn, M.A./M.S. candidate
Cathey E. Falvo, M.D. International Society of Doctors for the Environment
James R. Fancher, M.B.A.
John Farrington, Ph.D. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (Dean emeritus)
Ryszard Feldman, M.A./M.S.
John Felton, Ph.D.
Manuel Fiadeiro, Ph.D.
Quentin Fischer, Ph.D.
Stephan Flint, M.A./M.S. Utah State University (Retired)
Mike Follman, M.A./M.S.
Mike Foreman, B.A./B.S.
Michael Forster, M.A./M.S.
Chanese Forté, Ph.D. Union of Concerned Scientists
Patricia Foschi, Ph.D. San Francisco State University
Tom Frost, Ph.D.
Peter Frumhoff, Ph.D. Harvard University
Marc Garcelon, Ph.D.
Paula García, M.A./M.S.
Albert Garcia-Romeu, Ph.D. The John Hopkins University School of Medicine
Jenene G. Garey, Ph.D. New York University (Retired)
Steven Gary, M.A./M.S.
Alvaro Garza, M.D.
Charles Gasparovic, Ph.D. University of New Mexico
Peter Gegenheimer, Ph.D. University of Kansas–Lawrence (Retired)
Madelaine Georgette, M.A./M.S.
Suhas Ghatge, M.A./M.S.
Karen Glennemeier, Ph.D.
Rebecca Gluskin, Ph.D. Social Science Research Council
William Golding, M.A./M.S.
Bill Goldsborough, M.A./M.S.
Beverly Goodman, M.D.
Ron Goodman, Ph.D.
Anita Gould, Ph.D.
Lise Grace, M.A./M.S.
Royal Graves, M.A./M.S.
Fred Greef, M.A./M.S. University of Connecticut
Jay Greenberg, Ph.D.
David Greenfield, M.D.
Laura Grego, Ph.D. Union of Concerned Scientists
Greg Grether, Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles
Georgia Griffin, D.O. McLaren Medical Group
Gary Groth-Marnat, Ph.D. Pacifica Graduate Institute
J. Barry Gurdin, Ph.D.
Susanne Hale, M.A./M.S.
Bobbi Hall, Dr. P.H. Oregon State University
Charles Halpern, Ph.D. University of Washington
Stephen Hamilton, Ph.D.
Robin Hamlin, M.A./M.S.
Ryan Hanson, M.A./M.S.
John Hardy, M.A./M.S.
Patricia Harlow, Ph.D.
David Harris, M.D. Boston Children's Hospital
Donna Harris, D.V.M.
Molly Hauck, Ph.D.
Catherine Hawthorne, M.D.
Michael Heaney, M.A./M.S. Mondre Energy
Bette Hecox-Lea, Ph.D.
Beverly Hector-Smith, M.A./M.S.
Valerie Herr, Ph.D.
Sidney Herszenson, M.D.
Jonathan Hill, M.A./M.S. candidate
Ward Hinds, M.D.
Bruce Hlodnicki, M.D.
Lynn Hoang, M.D.
William Hoffer, B.A./B.S.
Elisabeth Holder, M.A./M.S.
Richard Holdstock, M.P.H. University of California, Davis (Retired)
John Hoover II, M.D.
William Horne, Ph.D.
Mark Houdashelt, Ph.D.
Samantha Houston, M.A./M.S. Union of Concerned Scientists
Edward Hubbard, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison
Lisa Hughes, Dr. P.H.
Cynthia Hull, M.A./M.S.
Stephen Hunt, M.A./M.S.
Richard Jackson, M.D.
Nicole Jacobs, Ph.D. Colorado State University
Trudy Jacobs, D.V.M.
Karen Jacques, Ph.D.
Christopher J. Jensen, Ph.D.
Maryanne Jerome, M.D.
Jose-Luis Jimenez, Ph.D. University of Colorado-Boulder
Andrew Jones, Ph.D. California State University, Fresno
Virginia Jones, Ph.D. Congregation of St. Joseph
James Jones, M.A./M.S.
Sandra Joos, Ph.D.
Julia Jorgensen, Ph.D.
Pratistha Joshi Rajkarnikar, Ph.D.
Susan Judge, Ph.D.
Tom Kabat, B.A./B.S.
Henry Kahn, M.D. Emory University School of Medicine (Emeritus)
Ronald Karpick, M.D.
William Katzin, Ph.D. Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Thomas Keel, M.A./M.S.
Bobby Keeland, Ph.D. U.S. Geological Survey (Retired)
Diane Keeney, Ph.D.
Lori Kegler, M.A./M.S.
Don Kelley, M.D.
Sara Kennedy, M.A./M.S.
David Kerlick, Ph.D.
Harrie Kessler, M.A./M.S.
Steven Ketchel, M.D.
Martha Kirpes, Ph.D.
Renee Klein, M.A./M.S.
Phil Klein, Ph.D.
James Klick, M.D.
Ned Knight, Ph.D. Linfield University
Peter Knuepfer, Ph.D. Binghamton University
Steve Kohl, M.D.
R. Wade Kohlmann, B.A./B.S.
John Kolstoe, M.D.
Bruce Krawisz, M.D.
Johanna Chao Kreilick, M.A./M.S. Union of Concerned Scientists
Robert Lang, M.D.
Don Langstaff, Ph.D.
Richard LaVal, Ph.D. The Monteverde Bat Jungle
Allen Lavee, M.D.
Vinnedge Lawrence, Ph.D.
Richard Lawrence, Ph.D.
Breck Lebegue, M.D.
Kenneth Lederman, Ph.D. candidate
Dennis Lees, Ph.D. candidate Littoral Ecological and Environmental Services
Charlotte Lehmann, M.A./M.S.
Marilyn Lemmon, M.A./M.S.
Peter LeVon, Ph.D.
Emanuel Lewis, M.A./M.S. Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory (Retired)
Rachel Licker, Ph.D. Union of Concerned Scientists
David Liedlich, M.A./M.S.
Ashley Lindell, M.D.
Virgene Link-New, D.D.S.
David Lohrmann, Ph.D. Indiana University
Frank Lorch, M.D.
Hilary Lorraine, Dr. P.H.
Rosa Lucas, M.A./M.S.
Karolyne Lucero, Ph.D.
Alison Lynch, M.D.
David Lyons, M.A./M.S.
Stephen C. Maack, Ph.D. REAP Change Consultants
Maria Magana, M.A./M.S. IBM Corporation (Retired)
Jed Maker, M.D.
Victoria Marcello, Ph.D.
David Mark Welch, Ph.D. Marine Biological Laboratory
Leslie Marshall, Ph.D.
Julie Mascarenhas, Ph.D.
Albert R. Matheny, Ph.D. University of Florida (Retired)
Pat McCullough, M.D.
D.C. McGuire, Ph.D. candidate
Karla McNamara, Ph.D.
Donald McNellis, M.D.
William Meneese, Ph.D.
Delta Merner, Ph.D. Union of Concerned Scientists
Kathleen M. Mezoff, M.D.
Douglas Miller, M.D.
Susanna H. Miller, M.A./M.S.
Janet Miller, Ph.D.
Christopher Milly, Ph.D.
Darya Minovi, M.P.H.
Jan Modjeski, Ph.D.
James Monroe, M.A./M.S.
Phil Monroe, M.D.
William Moomaw, Ph.D. Tufts University (Emeritus)
Twila Moon, Ph.D.
Carolyn Morado, Ph.D.
Eileen Moran, Ph.D.
Lowell Morrison, M.A./M.S.
Douglas Morrison, Ph.D.
Mark Mountford, M.D.
Joan Murray, Ph.D.
Jacob Naeb, M.A./M.S.
Jim Neal, M.A./M.S.
Elizabeth Newton, Ph.D.
Tanya Nieri, Ph.D. University of California, Riverside
Pamela Nitsos, M.D.
Gretchen North, Ph.D. Occidental College
Susan Nossal, Ph.D.
Sean O'Connell, Ph.D.
Dewey Odhner, M.A./M.S. University of Pennsylvania
Lorrie F. Odom, M.D. University of Colorado School of Medicine
Avi Ornstein, Ed.D., M.A./M.S.
Margaret O'Rourke, D.V.M.
Matthew Orr, Ph.D. Oregon State University
J. Pablo Ortiz-Partida, Dr. P.H. Union of Concerned Scientists
Dick Ottman, M.A./M.S.
Ronald Pagnucco, Ph.D.
Lorna Paisley, M.A./M.S.
Karl Palmquist, Ph.D. candidate
Sue Parsell, M.A./M.S.
Patricia Parsley, M.D.
Linda Paul, Ph.D.
Stephen Pazdziorko, M.A./M.S.
Guillermo Pereira, Ph.D. Union of Concerned Scientists
Janet Perlman, M.D.
Alan Peterson, M.D.
J. Dan Pittillo, Ph.D.
Lance Polya, Ph.D.
Al Poplawsky, Ph.D. University of Idaho
John Potter, Ph.D.
Rebecca Procter, Dr. P.H.
Peter Prontzos, Ph.D. candidate
William Prothero, Jr., Ph.D. University of California, Santa Barbara
Dan Quinn, Ph.D.
Julia Radwany, M.D.
Paul Ranney, M.A./M.S.
Robert Reed, M.A./M.S.
David Reichmuth, Ph.D. Union of Concerned Scientists
Joanne Reisch, M.D.
Arnold Reitze, J.D., M.P.H.
Steven Rekant, D.V.M.
Roshan Reporter, M.D.
Martha Rhoades, M.D.
Beverly Richards-Smith, Ph.D.
Juanita Rinas, Ph.D.
Susan Ristow, M.D.
W. Wright Robinson, M.A./M.S.
Ruth Robison, Ph.D. University of Hawai`i at Hilo (Retired)
Lisa Roche, Ph.D.
John Rogers, M.A./M.S. Union of Concerned Scientists
Donald Ross, Ph.D. University of Vermont
Ella Rowan, M.A./M.S.
Jean Roy, M.A./M.S.
Geoffrey Ruben, M.D. West Virginia University School of Medicine
Nicole Rubin, Ph.D.
Stuart Rubinow, Ph.D.
Laurie Ryan, Ph.D.
Shaina Sadai, Ph.D.
Daniel Safer, Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania
Michelle Saint-Germain, Ph.D.
Ricardo Salvador, Ph.D. Union of Concerned Scientists
Antonio Sarmiento, Ph.D.
Linda Schermer, M.P.H.
Charles Schick, Ph.D.
Arndt Schimmelmann, Ph.D. Indiana University
Jeffrey Schimpff, M.A./M.S.
Richard Schloss, M.D.
Juliet Schor, Ph.D.
Laura Schulz, Ph.D.
Phyllis Senter, M.D.
Mitra Shams, M.D.
Patricia Sheely, M.A./M.S.
Derek Shendell, D. Env., M.P.H.
Phil Shephard III, M.A./M.S.
Carol Sibley, Ph.D.
Peter Sigmann, M.D.
Linda Silversmith, Ph.D.
Juliet Simpson, Ph.D.
Catherine Sims, M.D.
Janice Singer, M.P.H.
Margaret Singh, Dr. P.H.
David Skinner, Ph.D. Santa Clara University (Emeritus)
Michael Sklar, M.A./M.S.
Clifford Smith, Ph.D.
Copley Smoak, M.A./M.S.
Nicholas Snow, M.D. Shenandoah University
Richard Solomon, Ph.D.
Runar Gjerp Solstad, Ph.D. Nofima
Lawrence Spatz, Ph.D.
Dylan Spaulding, Ph.D. Union of Concerned Scientists
Diana Stein, Ph.D. Mount Holyoke College (Retired)
Richard Stein, Ph.D.
Rick Steiner, M.A./M.S. Oasis Earth; University of Alaska (Retired)
Leigh Stephens, D.V.M.
Roger Stephenson, M.A./M.S.
Dianna Paviso Stern, M.P.H.
Philip Stewart, Ph.D.
Sarah Stewart, Ph.D.
MJ Strimbu, B.A./B.S.
Edward Stuebing, Ph.D.
Kathleen Susman, Ph.D. Vassar College
Dennis Sweeney, M.D.
Tim Takaro, M.D. Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University
Regi Teasley, Ph.D.
Ray Telfair II, Ph.D.
Alan Temes, Ph.D.
David Thomas, Ph.D. Lyon College
John Tjepkema, Ph.D.
Pepper Trail, Ph.D. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Retired)
Keith Tse, Ph.D. candidate
Audrey Urbano, M.D., FACEP
Tom Valente, M.D.
Elisabeth Julie Vargo, Ph.D.
Marc Vayssieres, Ph.D.
Yaamini Venkataraman, Ph.D.
Charmaine Venters, M.D.
Sara Via, Ph.D. University of Maryland
John Vickery, M.A./M.S.
Jan Visser, Ph.D. Learning Development Institute
Richard von Rueden, M.D.
Gretchen Blu Wagner, Dr. P.H.
John Wakeman, Ph.D. candidate
Greg Walker, Ph.D.
Steven Wallace, M.A./M.S.
Edward Walworth, M.D.
Deane Wang, Ph.D. University of Vermont
Allan Wang, M.D.
Ronald Ward, M.D. University of California, San Francisco
Sheila Ward, Ph.D.
Kathleen Washienko, M.P.H.
Fran Webber, Ph.D. candidate University of Rhode Island
Mary Weeden, Ph.D.
David Weiss, Ph.D. Iowa State University
Alexandra Welsko, J.D., M.A./M.S.
Christopher Wenzel, Ph.D. candidate
Mel Werbach, M.D.
Patricia Whelehan, Ph.D.
Katherine White, M.D.
Walter Whiteley, Ph.D. York University (Emeritus)
Lynn Wilbur, Ph.D. candidate
James Williams, Ph.D.
Paul Willis, M.A./M.S.
Monte Wilson, Ph.D. Boise State University (Retired)
Sam Wilson, M.A./M.S. Union of Concerned Scientists
Marian Wineman, M.A./M.S. WR Consulting, Inc.
Charles Wolfe, M.A./M.S.
Patrick Worms, M.A./M.S. CIFOR-ICRAF
Don Wright, Ph.D. Virginia Institute of Marine Science (Emeritus)
Victoria Wu, Ph.D.
Tristram Wyatt, Ph.D. University of Oxford
Judson Wynne, Ph.D.
Nezahualcoyotl Xiuhtecutli, Ph.D. Farmworker Association of Florida
Emily Yeh, Ph.D. University of Colorado
Yonit Yogev, M.A./M.S.
Elizabeth Yuster, M.A./M.S.
Eric Zimdars, M.A./M.S.
Barbara Zingg, M.A./M.S.
Judith Zwicker, Ph.D.